15 Things Your Boss Would Like You To Know You Knew About Autowatch Ghost Installers

15 Things Your Boss Would Like You To Know You Knew About Autowatch Ghost Installers

ghost immobiliser installer , more vehicles are stolen with the keys of the owner. Cloning equipment and door lock picks are readily accessible online, which allows thieves to copy the remote of your key and start your car in as little as 20-30 seconds.

Our Autowatch Ghost immobiliser blocks this by preventing your vehicle's ignition until a unique, personalized PIN is entered. It is discreet & silent and doesn't rely on LED indicators, making it unnoticeable to a criminal.

The quiet and discrete

Key cloning online is a tool commonly employed by thieves to steal vehicles without the owner's key. Our Autowatch Ghost immobiliser prevents this theft by preventing your vehicle from starting until you input your personal codes, which are entered via buttons that are already on the dashboard or steering wheel.

After entering your personal pin code and then enter it, the Ghost will disable all electronics in the vehicle and prevent the engine from getting started. It is designed to function quietly and in a discrete manner, so that it doesn't activate any alarm sensors in the vehicle. This makes it almost impossible to spot using scanners that are used to detect vehicle theft. Our installation technicians are TASSA-registered, DBS security-checked, and system-trained technicians. They install the Ghost in a secret manner and leave no trace of it was ever installed.

Our Ghost 2 device is also a tracker, and it transmits GPS signals that can be sent to your mobile phone, allowing you to locate the vehicle and view its movements on an interactive map. You can track your car while it is being serviced or repaired in the garage.

You can turn the application on/off within the app. This gives you total control over the safety of your car. The Autowatch Ghost app can be used to set up a 'Service Mode' for your vehicle that allows you to drive away without having to go through the disarming sequence for the button or even being in the vehicle. This is particularly beneficial for those who must drop off their vehicle at the local garage for a service or repair.

This application makes it simple to secure your Ghost-II using just your mobile phone. As soon as you are within the range of the vehicle, your Ghost-II is immediately disarmed. You can even enable this feature while your phone is in sleep mode, which you can carry in your pocket!

Easy to Operate

The Autowatch Ghost immobiliser works silently to prevent thieves from cloning your key fob or hacking into the system. The device is directly connected to the vehicle's CAN Data Network. It will only allow the vehicle to start after a PIN code has been entered using the original buttons on your vehicle. This can be done by the user from a hidden location or through your phone app. This is why Autowatch Ghost is so discreet, TTW install it under the steering wheel or on the dash in a place that you aren't aware it's there. It is also weatherproof, and is so tiny that it's unnoticeable by car thieves who are looking for circuit breaks or the telltale clicking sound of a traditional ignition relay.

The availability of low-cost tools for cloning doors and pick sets allows thieves to target virtually any vehicle in the present without the owner's keys. The Autowatch Ghost immobiliser can stop this from happening. It can be transferred to new vehicle in the event of changing vehicles throughout the duration of your warranty, as long as the vehicle is compatible with the Autowatch Ghost.

The device is installed by a trained technician at an unidentified location and then concealed so that it is inaccessible to thieves even when the engine runs. The Ghost does not emit radio frequency signals, therefore it is impossible for an armed criminal using RF scanning or code-grabbing technology to find the device.

The Ghost can be set to Service/Valet Mode, so that you don't have to be concerned about the technician knowing your pin code if your vehicle is taken to the garage for service. The Ghost can do this because it uses the vehicle's original buttons so no extra wiring is required.

The Autowatch Ghost is also a TASSA Verified Product which means that many insurance companies recognize it as an additional security measure. It is advisable to talk to your insurance provider prior to installing the Ghost immobiliser. You will save money on insurance and also protect your vehicle from expensive theft claims.

No Radio Frequency Signals

Autowatch Ghost is the only system that can prevent vehicle theft through modern day key copying. If your vehicle is in garage, bodyshop or dealership and someone on the inside copies the original key fob it is possible that the Ghost immobiliser still cuts out the engine since only you are able to enter the pin code that you have chosen to start the vehicle. Our TASSA certified installers will show you how to change this pin code in the event that the device is compromised.

The Ghost does not transmit radio frequency signals as other systems do, such as trackers. This means that thieves are unable to detect it using code grabbers or RF scanners. This feature along with the quiet and discrete operation makes it a discreet yet effective solution.

A simple smart-phone application is available for the iPhone to pair with the Ghost-II. Just enable the app when you want to use your car and when you get near the Ghost-II it will immediately arm it. It is safe to drive your car, since the phone will automatically arm when you've left.

This is a very neat and convenient way to make extreme security easy to use whenever you need to drive your car. This app can be downloaded for free from the iPhone App Store.

The Ghost-II is different from the original Autowatch Ghost as it does not feature LED indicators. This means that thieves won't be able to spot it unless they get close enough to the vehicle to open the window and turn on the light.

The Autowatch Ghost-II has a power cut-disconnect function which shuts off the engine of your vehicle and turn off the power to the ignition once the system is activated. This is a great safety feature that helps prevent the theft of your vehicle while you're on long journeys or if you've left keys in the ignition. This is an excellent feature for families and business people who need to park their cars in public areas, or for people who rely on their vehicle to work while traveling.

No LED Indicators

The Ghost is connected to the vehicles CAN Data system, and a personalized PIN code is entered using chosen options on the dash board or steering wheel and allows the device to be activated. It is silent and does not utilize any LED indicators. It can also be transferred from one vehicle to another, provided that the new car is compatible in the first place and that technological advances in the last few years haven't made it obsolete secondly. Holbon UK Ltd install and hand over the Ghost immobiliser with the owner's manual and a certificate of authenticity.